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Frequently Asked Questions

I offer a range of services, from holistic goals-based financial planning to one-off interactions like cashflow modeling and financial guidance. 

My services aim to help you strategise and execute an effective financial plan for your life that meets your own unique goals, aspirations, and objectives – whatever they may be.

How I am paid depends on the service provided. I can charge an ongoing annual fee based off assets under management, or I may be paid a commission in the case of an insurance product.

I provide a full breakdown of all fees and charges in your plan to ensure full transparency. 

I meet all of my clients for regular reviews, as and when they need, or at least once per year. In these meetings we will review your financial situation and portfolio performance, and ultimately, your needs, to see if your financial plan is still appropriate for you or if it needs to be tweaked. 

You can also track your progress at any time using an online portal where you can view your portfolio performance over time, from anywhere.

Understanding clients’ risk tolerance is an essential part of any engagement I undertake. I will require all clients to fill our a short questionnaire that questions topics like investment experience, investment knowledge, how you would feel if your portfolio went down by a certain per cent, and so on. 

This exercise unlocks the door for further discussions into your risk tolerance. 

I also consider my clients’ risk capacity – otherwise described as their capacity to lose money without it affecting their lifestyle. 

Risk appetite is also looked at, which is a measure of how willing to engage in high-risk activities a person is. 

All of this helps to paint a picture of what kind of investments are suitable to you. 

I do not try to time the market or pick winning stocks. My approach is centered around appropriate asset allocation and diversification. 

I always take your goals into consideration when investing on your behalf, as well as your time horizon, risk profile, and other relevant factors. 

I am an Associate Member (ACSI) of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments (The CISI) – the UK’s leading financial services professional body – and have completed several exams in wealth management and financial planning with them.

I am committed to upholding the standards and ethics as outlined in the CISI Code of Conduct, as well as those championed by Infinity Financial Solutions, Ltd and am required to complete at least 35 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) per year. 

I take a proactive approach to continuing my professional development and regularly sit exams to boost my knowledge and professional capacity. 

Upon making our initial contact, we will schedule a first meeting, either in person or online, where we can get to know each other and see if we are comfortable working together – I will also assess whether or not I am the right person to help you with your specific goals. I will conduct a fact-find during this meeting to ensure I have sufficient information about your circumstances to make suitable recommendations later on in the process. 

Following this first meeting, I will produce a report where I will make recommendations for you to achieve your goals and objectives.

We’ll then have a second meeting where I will present these recommendations to you, alongside my reasons for those recommendations and any relevant information regarding the products or solutions recommended. You will also have a chance to ask any questions that you have. 

If we are both happy to proceed, then we can progress to completing any necessary paperwork, which can generally finalise using digital signature software. 

The next stage is implementation of the agreed upon strategy. 

I will carry out periodic reviews of your financial plan and your changing circumstances to make sure the plan still fits your needs. It’s also important that you update me on any major life changes, so we can input them into the plan and make sure they are accounted for. 

I intend for our relationship to be a long-lasting one whereby I become your trusted financial coach and planner, helping you to reach your goals. 

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